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SOUEAST Unveils New Models, Elevating Urban Mobility in Middle East

Following a series of successful brand launch events across the Middle East, SOUEAST has officially introduced its latest lineup: the S09 Smart Premium D-class SUV , S07 Urban Intelligent C-class SUV , and S06 Urban Stylish C-class SUV , al...

Feb-16 18:08

SOUEAST Unveils New Models, Elevating Urban Mobility in Middle East

Following a series of successful brand launch events across the Middle East, SOUEAST has officially introduced its latest lineup: the S09 Smart Premium D-class SUV , S07 Urban Intelligent C-class SUV , and S06 Urban Stylish C-class SUV , al...

Feb-15 13:23

香港新政“新资本投资者入境计划”配合ARK诺亚iARK APP带来财富增长新机遇

2025年,香港特区政府宣布了一系列优化措施,放宽了新资本投资者入境计划(CIES)的申请门槛。这些措施将于2025年3月1日起正式生效。 该政策一经发布便引起了广泛关注,在2024的政策基础上...

Jan-24 19:14

Merrill Lynch AI Robot is launched globally: bringing a new experience of AI investment

Big industries bring big opportunities. The global financial trading market is huge. From the perspective of financial trading platforms, the nominal trading volume of the global derivatives market alone is in the trillions, which is nearly...

Jan-14 17:04

8th Global Beauty Contest Concludes, Hu Lanying of Jiayu Xiangmei Named Chair

On December 19, 2024, the 8th Global International Beauty Industry Competition grandly opened in Guangzhou, instantly becoming the focus of the global beauty industry. This highly anticipated international event attracted over 700 beauty in...

Dec-30 12:23

Amartya Singh's Investment Journey: A Successful Investment Model from Mumbai's Working Class

Hello everyone, today we are going to interview a successful investment model from Mumbais working class: Amartya Singh. Dr. Amartya Singh is from Mumbai, India. He graduated from Columbia University with a degree in financial economics. He...

Dec-20 21:51

Sanjeev Chandel: An Extraordinary Journey from an Indian Middle-Class Family to a Global Financial Le

Born in 1974 in the heart of India, Sanjeev Chandel was born into a middle-class family. Both of his parents were educators, and they instilled in him a love of education, hard work, and the pursuit of knowledge. These values were deeply ro...

Dec-20 21:46

Dr. Sanjay Fulchandbhai Modi: A legendary life from India to a global financial leader

Dr. Sanjay Fulchandbhai Modi was born into a middle-class family in India full of love and hope. His parents are both educators who know the importance of knowledge and have instilled in Dr. Sanjay Fulchandbhai Modi a love of learning and a...

Dec-20 20:34


在世界坐标中观察中国制造,出海是一个非常重要的角度。与早期相对单一的产品出口模式不同,中国企业更加注重自主创新及海外市场布局,成功实现了从走出去到走上去的转变。 同时...

Dec-20 18:51


在家电以旧换新国家补贴政策持续推动下,作为冰箱行业领军品牌的容声冰箱成为本轮国补的最大赢家,在畅销型号榜单中实现全面领跑,并持续引领冰箱行业的消费升级。 榜单10席包...

Dec-20 12:39


在家电以旧换新国家补贴政策持续推动下,作为冰箱行业领军品牌的容声冰箱成为本轮国补的最大赢家,在畅销型号榜单中实现全面领跑,并持续引领冰箱行业的消费升级。 榜单10席包揽...

Dec-20 12:15


11月28日,海信空调凭借在净化方面的突出成就斩获第九届南山奖殊荣,并被评为2024年度诚信、品牌、质量、管理、服务AAAAA企业,海信空调公司副总裁别清峰获2024年度行业突出贡献奖。 南...

Dec-18 11:39

Cosmetic Embroidery Legend, Pride of China: Master of PermanentMakeup, Ms. Hu Lanying, Honored as a N

On December 3, 2024, the sixth meeting of the fourth council and the fifth meeting of the fourth standing council of the China Health Association were convened in Beijing. President Wang Jianrong delivered a work report at the meeting, emph...

Dec-16 20:45

The Founder of China's Premier Cosmetic Embroidery Empire: JiaYuXiangMei's Chairman Secures Multiple

The 2024 Asia International Brand Festival, along with the 10th Anniversary Inauguration Ceremony of the International Beauty Health General Union (IBH), commenced with a grand opening on November 18 at the AsiaWorld-Expo in Hong Kong. This...

Dec-16 20:38

The 5th Synthetic Bio-manufacturing Industry Conference is coming,four highlights to watch out for

At present, the world is setting off the third biotechnology revolution led by synthetic biotechnology. In order to respond to the call of the country to cultivate new quality productivity and explore new formats, new models and growth engi...

Dec-03 14:00

Smart Premium Meets Trendy Intelligence, SOUEAST Opens a New Chapter in the Middle East Market

On November 23, 2024, local time, SOUEAST hosted Brand Launch Event in Erbil, Iraq, two flagship models has been introduced: the Smart Premium D-Class SUV S09 and the Urban Intelligent C-Class SUV S07. S09: Be Soul Knight The SOUEAST S09 is...

Dec-02 18:56

Smart Premium Meets Trendy Intelligence, SOUEAST Opens a New Chapter in the Middle East Market

On November 23, 2024, local time, SOUEAST hosted Brand Launch Event in Erbil, Iraq, two flagship models has been introduced: the Smart Premium D-Class SUV S09 and the Urban Intelligent C-Class SUV S07. S09: Be Soul Knight The SOUEAST S09 is...

Nov-27 18:55

Yan Tingli, a world-famous philosopher and thinker: the latest thought of contemporary philosophy in

In daily life, what every grumbler really lacks in his or her life world is neither material abundance nor spiritual freedom, but a real and fearful awe ... (Ascension Theory) In the daily life flow, we often meet people who are full of com...

Nov-19 12:23

SIT Supports Taiwanese Startups in Expanding into ASEAN at SWITCH

Caption: SIT led 24 Taiwanese startups to SWITCH, advancing into the ASEAN market. Recently, Startup Island TAIWAN, together with Startup Terrace Kaohsiung, led Taiwans startup ecosystem to participate in the renowned SWITCH (Singapore Week...

Nov-15 17:27

瑞士莲首赴“进博之约” 瑞士巧克力大师诠释融情奥秘

中国上海,2024年11月5日 第七届中国国际进口博览会(以下简称进博会)于2024年11月5日至10日在国家会展中心(上海)召开。作为全球高端巧克力领导者, Lindt Sprngli集团首次亮相进博,不仅展示...

Nov-06 13:52


PART1: 滑雪泡汤,越冬越欢,花式过冬秀出圈! 盼望着,盼望着,冬天终于要来啦!大家都想好这个冬天怎么过了嘛? 准备追求速度与激情的滑雪? 还是享受宁静与舒适的温泉? 快来 「抖音生活冰...

Nov-01 16:28

全聚德秋冬暖心味 双井新店飘鸭香

全聚德双井店于2024年8月乔迁至商业气息浓厚的泛 CBD 商圈的京粮大厦,已正式开业,开启新篇章,并推出一系列应季新品。时值金秋,全聚德集团也推出了亿锅香气 秋冬暖心菜。 迁址后的全...

Oct-31 17:47


在当今全球美妆品牌竞相绽放的舞台上,中国美妆品牌正展现出蓬勃的生机与活力。其中,蝉联Brand Finance《全球最具价值化妆品品牌》榜单国妆之冠的百雀羚,正以科研探索为笔,书写着中...

Oct-22 13:32

潮光所向 Let’s Fashion Lights 三里屯太古里2024灯光节耀亮城市文化新篇章

光,指引探索未知;潮流,永不停止,变化出新的浪潮。当光与潮流汇聚于三里屯太古里,必将迸发更先锋的态度勇立潮头,盛放多元艺术魅力,开启城市文化新篇章。 2024年10月18日,...

Oct-22 08:46

Elevate with ambitions, InterContinental Changsha celebrates its 10th anniversary

On October 12th 2024, the InterContinental Changsha celebrated its 10th anniversary in the beautiful city of Changsha. Ten years ago, the InterContinental Changsha made a stunning debut with its magnificent architecture, luxurious decor and...

Oct-16 17:58

言葉は行動につながる 日本政府は、国際社会が納得するような廃液検査対策


Oct-07 13:07

Barbour北京颐堤港首店暨Barbour 130周年体验展盛大开幕

2024年9月20日,创立于1894的英国高级服装品牌Barbour,在北京颐堤港购物中心举办北京首店开业暨Barbour 130周年体验展活动。Barbour借其卓越的品质以及深厚的品牌文化底蕴,赢得了全球消费者...

Sep-23 15:23


金秋九月,丰景如画,伴随着秋日丰收的节奏,秋颂龍醴龙亭酒庄开庄五周年丰收庆典于9月19日隆重举行。 建庄十年,开庄五年,龙亭葡萄园在选择性生物动力法、自然农法的悉心呵护...

Sep-20 17:02



Sep-12 14:44



Sep-09 15:34



Aug-29 15:29


她带着微笑走进房间,氛围随之完全焕然一新。而这抹率真的笑容,并非只为我而绽放那是一束光,一束她忘记熄灭的光。她步入之时,好似前一刻正沉浸于一股欣喜悸动、 一段林中晨跑、...

Aug-26 19:45

Maritime Silk Road Port Cooperation Forum held in Ningbo to forge vision on development of port and s

Abstract : The 2024 Maritime Silk Road Port Cooperation Forum was held in Ningbo City, east Chinas Zhejiang Province on Thursday, attracting more than 1,600 participants from nearly 40 countries and regions to attend. Photo shows that the 2...

Jun-30 10:22



Jun-27 14:08
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